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Effective Nonprofit Strategic Planning

05 Jul Effective Nonprofit Strategic Planning

Effective nonprofit strategic planning helps ensure that a nonprofit’s goals and vision are achieved. A solid nonprofit strategy plan provides concrete steps to achieve those goals, and it is a tool that should be revisited on a regular basis, since external and internal conditions can change.

A strategic plan should begin by examining the mission, values, and vision. This will help to unite the team and validate that these are the main drivers behind the process. It also gives you an chance to assess any modifications that may be needed.

Many nonprofits decide to conduct a SWOT analysis. This will help determine the strengths and weaknesses of the organization and the opportunities and threats that it is facing. A thorough SWOT analysis is a fantastic method to gain a better understanding of the organization’s current internal as well as external circumstances, and will assist in determining the best way to proceed with the development of a strategy for the nonprofit.

Another essential element of a strategic plan is a development or fundraising strategic plan. This plan will demonstrate how the organization can expand its philanthropic efforts. It may include goals for things like increasing email outreach, enhancing the site’s functionality, enhancing fundraising techniques and building stronger relationships with donors.

Once the goals for the strategic plan have been set it’s a good idea to meet with the team again and decide on the next steps. This will help solidify everyone’s common goal of bringing the strategy to fruition and it can be a good opportunity to discuss how to share the plan with those who were not part of the original planning team.

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